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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


Bug Fixes

(ci) Poetry lockfile (#732)

  • Fixes poetry lockfile and adds pre-commit hook to prevent issue from happening

Only build xtask once for the tests (#720)

Use the xtask binary to run the tests.

  • The change comes with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Summary by CodeRabbit

  • New Features

    • Updated platform compatibility to x86_64-linux.
  • Added new configuration entry for enhanced versioning and platform support.

  • Improvements

  • Modified test script to use a custom build script for better test management.

These changes improve platform compatibility and streamline the testing process.


/docs/concepts/features-overview/ (#725)

  • Re-does the feature overview page of the documentation.

Summary by CodeRabbit

  • New Features

  • Added a "Features Roadmap" component to the website, displaying a list of features with details and links.

  • Documentation

  • Updated various guides and reference documents to improve clarity and presentation of code examples.

  • Added new sections for various features such as Typegate, Typegraph, Runtimes, Prisma, Auth, Tooling, and SDK.

  • Bug Fixes

    • Corrected a typo in the GraphQL runtimes reference documentation.
  • Refactor

  • Replaced SDKTabs and TabItem components with TGExample for better code example presentation.

  • Adjusted the MiniQL component to handle optional properties and default settings.


(mdk) Mdk python (#707)

Mdk for python runtime

Migration notes


Summary by CodeRabbit

  • New Features

  • Introduced new functionalities for generating Python code based on configurations, including handling of templates and required objects.

  • Added Python script templates for defining typed functions and structured objects with comprehensive data type handling.

    • Enhanced type management and priority handling in utility functions.
  • Documentation

  • Provided detailed summaries and documentation for new functionalities and templates.

  • Refactor

  • Implemented new structures and methods for efficient code generation and type handling.

  • Tests

    • Added tests for defining typegraph structures and policies in Python.
  • Chores

  • Updated URLs in the .ghjk/deno.lock file to reflect new changes in the codebase.

(mdk,gate) Hostcall (#706)

Introduces a mechanism for wasm materializers to access hostgate functions.

This implements a pretty basic JSON wire interface, a singular hostcall function that's exposed to materializers. The only implemented function on this interface are gql queries.

This is a stacked PR on top of #687.


  • The change come with new or modified tests

Summary by CodeRabbit

  • New Features

  • Added an import statement for std_url and a new task for installing WASI adapter related files.

  • Introduced new functionalities in the application's runtime to support additional parameters and error handling.

  • Enhancements

  • Improved the application's handling of GraphQL queries with new error types and display methods.

  • Enhanced the WASM runtime build process to target a more appropriate architecture.

  • Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues in Python and WASM runtime tests to ensure reliability and performance.

  • Documentation

  • Updated internal documentation to reflect new command interfaces and environmental interactions in the application's CLI tools.

  • Refactor

  • Refactored various internal APIs to improve code maintainability and efficiency.

(meta-test) Update t.engine() impl (#716)

Update the implementation of t.engine()

The change comes with removing the different spin-offs of t.engine which arose from the previous impl of t.engine incompatibility with artifact upload protocol. The change will make t.engine deploy the artifacts in Artifact Resolution mode by running a shell command to deploy the typegraph.



  • remove different versions of t.engine
  • add tg_deploy caller script which imports typegraphs dynamically and deploys them.
  • make changes to make t.engine run in artifact resolution mode
  • update existing tests to adhere to the current change
  • pass unique different tempDirs to all the typegate instances created during test.
  • add support for authoring multiple typegraphs in a single file in meta-test and add multi typegraph tests.

Migration notes

python SDK test typegraphs' function names should be the same with the filename of the typegraph file, for dynamic import compatibility reasons.

Summary by CodeRabbit

  • New Features

  • Introduced a new function wasm_duplicate to handle WebAssembly runtimes with specific policies.

  • Refactor

  • Renamed and refactored functions and test setups to align with updated test frameworks and improve code clarity.

  • Bug Fixes

  • Added error handling in the getLocalPath function to log warnings if linking errors occur.

  • Tests

  • Updated test scripts to reflect changes in function calls, imports, and engine instantiation for better test accuracy and reliability.

v0.4.2 - 2024-05-22

Bug Fixes

(release) Fix fat CLI compilation (#730)

  • Fix fat CLI compilation

  • Bump to 0.4.2

  • Bump wasmtime to 21

  • Bump rust to 1.78.0

  • The change comes with new or modified tests

  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments

  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

v0.4.1 - 2024-05-20

Bug Fixes

(SDK) Artifact upload fails when same file referred multiple times (#715)

  • fix the bug where duplicate artifact references causing failure during artifact resolution(typegate) during runtime.
  • add sync mode tests for Python and Deno runtime.
  • add other edge test cases to artifact upload.
    • test for no artifact in typegraph
    • test for duplicate artifact reference in the same typegraph

(gate) Improve logging and responses, prepare 0.4.1 (#714)

  • Logging before and after each faillible operation
    • Runtimes: foreign resolvers
  • Always log before reporting error: HTTP response
  • Fix error code in artifact_service
  • Add BaseError class for structured messages in responses

Summary by CodeRabbit

  • New Features

  • Updated Docker image versions and dependency versions to ensure compatibility and stability.

    • Added a search functionality to the app.
  • Bug Fixes

  • Enhanced error handling with specific error classes for more detailed error messages.

  • Refactor

  • Replaced generic Error instances with specific error classes for better error categorization.

  • Refactored error handling in HTTP response functions to use a BaseError class.

  • Chores

  • Updated version numbers across multiple configuration files to 0.4.1-0.


Polish documentation and project (#696)

  • update the headline, the overviews and many other documentation areas
  • upgrades the dependencies.
  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Summary by CodeRabbit

  • Bug Fixes

  • Updated Docker image version for the typegate service to ensure stability and compatibility.

  • Documentation

  • Revised TAGLINE for better clarity on supported languages: WASM, Typescript, and Python.

  • Updated version declarations for improved consistency and functionality across multiple files.

Miscellaneous Tasks

(docs) Final polish to comparison table. (#709)

some changes to comparison table(docs)

Migration notes

No Migrations Needed

Summary by CodeRabbit

  • Documentation
  • Introduced a new section on Artifact Tracking Protocol in the architecture documentation, explaining artifact classification and tracking modes in Metatype.
  • Updated comparisons documentation with additional platforms, criteria for choosing Metatype, and detailed feature comparison tables.
  • Renamed project directory for clarity and consistency in project setup documentation.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Removed outdated TODO comment in installation documentation.

Bump to version 0.4.1-0 (#713)

  • Bumps version to 0.4.1-0.
  • Fixes broken release CI.
  • #719
  • Adds 20 minutes to test-full timeout.

Summary by CodeRabbit

Summary by CodeRabbit

  • New Features

  • Updated platform support for better compatibility with "x86_64-linux".

  • Bug Fixes

  • Minor version updates across multiple configurations to enhance stability.

  • Chores

  • Updated version numbers from "0.4.0" to "0.4.1-0" across various files and configurations.

  • Refactor

  • Adjusted build and test scripts for improved efficiency and compatibility.

  • Documentation

  • Enhanced internal documentation to reflect version and platform changes.

v0.4.0 - 2024-05-09

Bug Fixes

(ci) Fix broken nighly jobs (#659)

Fixes the broken nightly builds. Look at solved results here.

Motivation and context

Nightly builds were broken due to oversight during the #571 fixes.

Migration notes

No changes required


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(gh-tests) Fix local npm registry config (#692)

Fix the NPM registry config in the Github tests.

Migration notes


Set max log level based on verbose flag (#664)

Set max log level based on verbose flag

Motivation and context


Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Fix secret passing (#675)

Fix secret passing in examples and documentation.

Motivation and context

Followup to #666.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Website and headline (#691)

Motivation and context

Fix the CSS issue introduced by docusaurus 3.2.0 ( 3.2.1 should fix it but the affected version maybe loaded by dependencies, so we will have to wait a bit more.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Do not override log level when no verbosity flag is present (#694)

Remove log level override by the verbosity flag when no flag is present. It will default to the configured env_logger default level (or env variable).


The default log level became "error" after #664, and RUST_LOG environment variable where ignored.

Migration notes



Start rebranding (#641)

Motivation and context

Changing the intro.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Add reference/programmatic-deployment/ (#686)

Motivation and context

Add missing docs for tgDeploy, tgRemove

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Add examples for each command (#684)

Motivation and context

Getting started with meta cli should be easy

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Improve /tutorials/quick-start section. (#681)

  • Improve Layout
  • Include a simple project.
  • Add the result/outputs to running CLI commands.
  • Remove Metatype cloud registration form.
  • Separate the CLI commands to separate code blocks
  • Add links to references and concepts.
  • Add playground.

Motivation and context

Docs Meta-task

Migration notes

No Migration Needed


  • Test the commands and the examples.
  • The change come with new or modified tests

Improve /docs/tutorials/metatype-basics (#688)

Improve /docs/tutorials/metatype-basics

Motivation and context

Docs Meta-task

Migration notes

No Migrations Needed


  • The change come with new or modified tests

Improve /reference/runtimes/ (#676)

Motivation and context

Better documentation

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Improve /guides/external-functions (#677)

  • Improvements to the /guides/external-functions page.
  • Adds a configuration file for git-town

Motivation and context


Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Improve docs/reference/types (#685)

Improves docs/reference/types

Motivation and context


Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Add a comparison b/n metatype and other similar solutions/products. (#697)

  • Adds a comparison table between metatype and other similar services.
  • Add artifact upload protocol to Architecture section in docs.


Migration notes

No Migration Needed


(cli) Long running discovery (#599)

Delegate serialize, deploy, undeploy, unpack work to SDK.

Motivation and context

Remove duplicate logic, thinking of cli as a convenience on top of the SDK.

Migration notes

When meta cli is used, Migration files are unpacked/resolved relative to the typegraph's path, not the process's workdir.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(cli) meta gen (#636)

Adds a command to meta-cli to invoke metagen.

Motivation and context


Migration notes

No changes required


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(cli) Timeout loader process (#693)

(cli,sdk) Codegen command (#661)

Motivation and context

Enable back codegen on current cli implementation.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(cli,sdk) Better error messages (#689)

Motivation and context

Make it more clear where failures happen

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(gate) Wasmtime support (#669)

  • BREAKING: wasmtime support (#669)

Motivation and context

Enable support for wit and facilitate readiness for the upcoming specs.

Migration notes

#[wasmedge_bindgen] are replaced by wit bindings.

In the old version we were restricted to#[wasmedge_bindgen], which was only available in Rust and unique to WasmEdge.

fn add(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
a + b

In the new implementation, wasm modules written in any language that uses the wit interface are now natively supported within typegate.

// wit/example.wit
package example:host;
world host {
export add: func(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32;

An implementation (eg. in Rust) may look like this..

// src/
wit_bindgen::generate!({ world: "host" });
struct MyLib;
impl Guest for MyLib {
fn add(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
a + b


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(gate,cli) $DENO_V8_FLAGS (#647)

Enables the DENO_V8_FLAGS env var for tuning v8.

Motivation and context

MET-435 or #621

Migration notes

  • This just exposes the deno paramter directly. Refer to deno or v8 docs for more details.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(metagen) Metagen mdk rust (#624)

Implements the general framework for metagen including a generator for rust based wasm mat functions modules.

Motivation and context


Migration notes

No breaking changes


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(sdk) .tgignore file support (#633)

Motivation and context

Set what files/folders should be ignored when using the custom expand_path function in an external .tgignore file. .tgignore will behave similarly to most .ignore files with basic glob syntax support.

Migration notes

expand_glob has been renamed to expand_path


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(sdk) Introduce flag for disabling hashing artifacts + move hash to rust (#645)

Motivation and context

The mdk codegen and typegraph mutually depends on each other (typegraph needs a concrete mdk.wasm for hashing, and for the mdk.wasm to be built, it needs type generation based on the typegraph) Add a flag to enable processing a partial typegraph when using meta gen (partial == no artifact resolution).

Migration notes

get_file_hash has been moved to core sdk (under the name hash_file)


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(sdk, gate, cli) Upload protocol poc uploading wasm file for WasmEdge Runtime for single replica mode (#631)

Upload protocol for wasm files and atrifacts for WasmEdge Runtime for single replica mode

Motivation and context

  • Upload WasmEdge Runtime artifacts during typegraph deploy
  • Access and load WasmEdge Runtime artifacts from the local file system from typegate

Migration notes

No Migrations Needed


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Raw prisma query through the typegate runtime (#634)

  • Enable prisma query execution through the typegate runtime

Motivation and context


Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Store the typegraph on s3 (#620)

  • BREAKING: Store the typegraph on s3 (#620)

Store the typegraph on s3 for multiple instance support mode.

Motivation and context

Reduce Redis data.

Migration notes

Environment variables:

  • REDIS_URL has been removed
  • For multiple instance support, the following variables are required: SYNC_REDIS_URL, SYNC_S3_HOST, SYNC_S3_REGION, SYNC_S3_BUCKET, SYNC_S3_ACCESS_KEY, SYNC_S3_SECRET_KEY; and the following variables are optional: SYNC_REDIS_PASSWORD, SYNC_S3_PATH_STYLE. Otherwise, none of them can be set.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Remove secret definitions through env vars (#666)

  • BREAKING: Remove secret definitions through env vars (#666)

Remove the ability to define secrets in the env vars of the typegate.

Secrets can now only be defined in the metatype config file and the --secret CLI option.

Motivation and context


  • Security
  • Better DX

Migration notes

  1. Metatype config file: On the node configuration, secrets are defined at secrets.<tg_name>.key:
# before
TG_CONSOLE_POSTGRES_CONN: postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/db?schema=console

POSTGRES_CONN: postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/db?schema=console
BASIC_ADMIN: password
  1. Secret override option on meta/cli
# before
meta deploy -f --secret TG_CONSOLE_POSTGRES_CONN=postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/db?schema=console

# after
meta deploy -f --secret POSTGRES_CONN=postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/db?schema=console
# or - with the typegraph name
meta deploy -f --secret console:POSTGRES_CONN=postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/db?schema=console


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Add queryPrismaModel in the typegate runtime (#635)

The queryPrismaModel function on the typegate typegraph queries rows from a prisma model.

Motivation and context


Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Upload artifacts to s3 (#638)

Upload artifacts to S3 when sync-mode is enabled

Motivation and context

Sharing artifacts between replicas without including it in the typegraph (and sync through redis)

Migration notes

No changes needed.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Upload PythonRuntime artifacts and deps (#672)

Motivation and context

Track artifact/module dependencis for PythonRuntime

Migration notes

python.import(...) and python.import_(...) accept an optional parameter deps that accepts list of dependencies for the python module.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Upload DenoRuntime artifacts and deps (#674)

  • Track deno runtime artifacts(also dependencies)
  • Upload artifacts during deploy to either local(single replica) or shared(s3)
  • resolve artifacts(module and deps) upon typegate runtime.

Motivation and context

Persisting deno runtime artifacts to a local/shared storage.

Migration notes

deno.import(...) and deno.import_(...) accept an optional parameter that accepts list of dependencies for the deno/ts module.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Enable batch prisma queries in the typegate runtime (#682)

Enable batch prisma queries (and transaction) in the typegate runtime

Motivation and context



Migration notes


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Artifact removal (#668)

  • Add GC: remove artifacts when unreferenced by any deployed typegraph
  • Improve resource management: use AsyncDisposable and AsyncDisposableStack
  • Improve testability (for parallel testing): always read the tmpDir config from the Typegate object

Motivation and context


Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Summary by CodeRabbit

  • New Features

    • Enhanced search functionality with the addition of a new search bar.
    • Introduced new test configurations to improve script execution.
  • Updated artifact storage documentation to clarify management processes.

    • Added new extensions to support improved code commenting.
  • Bug Fixes

  • Removed outdated Deno import mapping settings to streamline development environment setup.

  • Documentation

  • Expanded documentation on artifact tracking and management, including reference counting and garbage collection mechanisms.

  • Refactor

  • Implemented interface changes in QueryEngine for better async disposal management.

  • Code restructuring in artifact management for enhanced performance and maintainability.

  • Chores

  • Adjusted settings and configurations in the development environment to align with current best practices.

  • Tests

  • Introduced new test cases for artifact upload and management functionalities.

Miscellaneous Tasks

(release) Prepare 0.4.0 (#710)

Bumps version to release 0.4.0.

Summary by CodeRabbit

  • New Features
  • Updated the software across various components to version 0.4.0, enhancing functionality and potentially introducing new features or fixes.
  • Documentation
  • Updated version documentation in multiple configuration files to reflect new version 0.4.0.
  • Bug Fixes
  • Adjusted version constants and dependencies to ensure compatibility and stability with the new software version 0.4.0.

(sdk,gate) Bump wasmtime to 20.0.0 and wit-bindgen to 0.24.0 (#695)


(gate) Wasi 0.2 pyrt (#687)

  • Rewrites the PythonRuntime host using a componentize-py based component.
  • Leaf through this memo for a mental model.

(libs/xtask,gate) Remove xtask/codegen (#700)

Faster build time

Migration notes

Make sure to sync typegate/src/types.ts when an update is made on the typegraph schema.

(sdk,gate) Improve temporal rt (#642)

  • BREAKING: improve temporal rt (#642)

Improve the temporal runtime exposing more parameters and adding more tests.

Motivation and context

MET-397. The old implementation was bug-ridden and did not expose necessary params.

Migration notes

API changes to TemporalRuntime ctor, methods and generated materializers.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Pass test options in the first parameter (#667)

Pass the test options in the first parameter along with the test name/description.

Motivation and context

Avoid scrolling to the end of the test function to see/update the test options.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change


Use local npm registry for tests (#646)

Use verdaccio local npm registry for tests:

  • The @typegraph/sdk package is published to the local npm registry, and can now be consumed like any npm package from Nodejs or Deno.

Motivation and context


Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change


v0.3.6 - 2024-03-14

Bug Fixes

(gate) RandomRuntime does not consider enum, either, union variants (#619)

add either, enum, struct and union type support in Random Runtime.

Motivation and context

generating random values for enums, either and union types was failing.

Migration notes

_No Migrations Needed


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(python-wasi) Fix for vm not initialized after consecutive deploy (#617)

Bug fix for typegate throwing vm not initialized after reload

Motivation and context

Bug fix

Migration notes

No Migrations Needed


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Apply from context (#616)

Fix type validators for apply from context.

Motivation and context


Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Optimize typegraph size (#618)

  • Hash all type data to compare them on the conversion phase in typegraph/core: remove duplicate types from type final typegraph (duplicate: same value for all the fields except for the "random" name/title).
  • Skip unreferenced types in .apply

Motivation and context

Typegraph is too big sometimes.

Migration notes


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Miscellaneous Tasks

Prepare release v0.3.6 (#626)

Prepare release v0.3.6

Motivation and context


Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

v0.3.5 - 2024-03-05

Bug Fixes

(cli) Fix for meta-cli deploy exit with code 0 on failure (#600)

fix the issue where meta-cli deploy command exits with code 0 on failure.

Motivation and context

bug fix

Migration notes

No changes needed.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(typegate,typegraph) Minor bugs (#596)

Just a few very minor bugs I'd encountered this week. Tests pending.

Motivation and context


Migration notes

No changes required


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Show error message for unregistered type name (#594)

Check and throw the error for the expose function when called from the Python SDK.

Motivation and context

We got a finalization failure when there are some unregistered type referenced with g.ref.

Migration notes

No changes needed.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Remove injections from prisma output types (#597)

Remove injections from generated output types for prisma operations.

Motivation and context

Generated types fail validations (injection not allowed in output types).

Migration notes

No changes needed.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Esm customizer for typegate deno ext (#606)

Enables v8 snapshots integration for meta typegate subcommand and the standalone typegate. Also bumps deno to 1.41.0.

Motivation and context

Re-enable macos-latest cli-compat test job (#608)

Fixes and enables the broken job.

Motivation and context

Job was disabled earlier to mysterious breakages.

Migration notes

No changes required


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change


(deno/sdk) Native function embedding in typescript (#598)

Add support for function or lambda definition typescript sdk for deno.func similarly to how python.from_def in python sdk works.

Motivation and context

Providing a string is a bit impractical and counter-intuitive espcially when the sdk language matches with runtime's language.

Migration notes

No changes needed.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(sdk) Testing framework integration 2 (#579)

Motivation and context

Continuation of #566 , focused on prisma runtime.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(sdk) From_random injection (#593)

This change includes changes in StringFormats(added some string formats), logic to provide random values for type nodes and tests to validate the changes. The changes are mostly in the typegraph sdk.

Motivation and context

This feature enables the user to inject random values for a field(Type Node) when defining a Typegraph.

Migration notes

No changes needed.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Remove obsolete restrictions on prisma (#592)

Motivation and context

Since v5, where on unique queries exposes all the fields, not just unique fields.

Parameter transformation (#587)

Enable parameter transformation with the .apply() method. It has more or less the same logic as .reduce() with the ability to flatten the input type.

Motivation and context

This feature enables simpler APIs (input types) on top of runtimes (e.g.: prisma).

Migration notes

No changes needed.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Nested context query (#595)

  • BREAKING: Nested context query (#595)
  • Revert context flattening
  • Enable jsonpath-like key to access nested object fields or array items on the context.

Migration notes

If you access the context directly in your application (through the token), access to nested fields shall be updated. E.g. the expression context[""] have to turned to


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Miscellaneous Tasks

(release) Bump 0.3.5 (#613)

Ready for release of v0.3.5

Motivation and context

Required by console.

Migration notes

No changes required_.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change


(sdk) Move post-processing functions to the typegate (#586)

Motivation and context

Depends on #579 Compiled wasm bin size is too large, goal is to reduce it to ~3MB.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Make fat meta-cli the default (#607)

  • BREAKING: make fat meta-cli the default (#607)

Switch the default meta-cli release to the fat version (the one that includes the typegate subcommand).

Motivation and context

v0.3.4 - 2024-02-10

Bug Fixes

(ci) upload-artifact@v4 migration, cross compilation for meta + typegate (#571)

The recent update to upload-artifact@v4 has some breaking changes as described here. This PR addresses them. It also fixes the cross-compilation issues with the meta-cli job in the release workflow.

Motivation and context

Issue in release workflow.

Migration notes

No changes required.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(ci) Minor typo in release.yml/docker (#576)

Small typo blocking the job that pushes the images to

Motivation and context

Broken run.

Migration notes

No changes required.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(ci) Missing ts modules from typegate image (#577)

Adds a check step to the typegate's Dockerfile and converts the .dockerignore to be a whitelist.

Motivation and context

The image for 0.3.3 has some files missing.

Migration notes

No changes required


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(typegate) Fix tmp dir issue, bump to 0.3.4 (#583)

  • Fixes an issue with the prisma migration code being unable to properly mktmpd when running in the typegate images.
  • Removes cross usage for all but the aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu target in the meta-cli release jobs. Deno doesn't like being cross compiled, doesn't like being built by the cross toolchain in general (even for the native target). The consequence of all this is that the aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu target will temporarily lack the full version builds.
  • This also bumps the version of the 0.3.4 to get the fix out.

Motivation and context

The main TMP_DIR was not created properly in the typegate Dockerfile.

Migration notes

No changes required


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Remove unallowed fields (#569)

Skip fields with policies in findListQueries.

Motivation and context


Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Hotfix typo in release.yml (#580)

Yes, another one lol. This removes the target param from the release builder which will default to the last stage of the Dockerfile, the epoint stage. I elected to remove the parameter rather than replacing the value in order to remove one more place future changes will have to consider. (convention better than configuration the saying goes (i think)).

Motivation and context

The typegate images currently have the wrong target and thus the wrong entrypoint command.

Migration notes

No changes required


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change


(website) Cleanup (#521)

Describe your change

This mainly shuffles around the existing docs for better structure. Still a lot to be done. The following pages are also empty as I lack the info regarding their topics:

  • Architecture
  • Query engine

Super open to feedback. Bring up any points that you think should be mentioned on each page and I'll add them.

Getting started guide for the vscode extension (#578)

Motivation and context

Documentation is missing.

Migration notes

No changes needed.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change


(sdk) Testing framework integration (#566)

Motivation and context

Enable deploying directly from the typegraph instead of always relying on meta-cli.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

v0.3.3 - 2024-01-31

Bug Fixes

(ci) Bug in typegraph release job (#545)

Motivation and context

jco output path is wrong.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(ci) Typo in release.yml (#548)

Fix small typo. Surprised act didn't catch this, it must evaluate expressions lazily.

(ci) Force/skip push to registries on manual release (#549)

What it says on the tin can. Also fixes a typo in the vscode-extension job.

Motivation and context

Manual re-release breaks otherwise as seen here.

(ci) Typos in release.yml (#550)

Oof, I can't believe I missed these. The publish steps are hard to test locally with act so ig they require extra scrutiny.

Motivation and context

Bug on manual dispatch of releasae wflow.

(ci) Mismatch in location of $AZURE_DEVOPS_TOKEN (#551)

Another minor issue with the release workflow.

Motivation and context

Failure in release run here.

(ci,release) Hack for broken arm64 builds, bump deno to 1.40.1, bump to 0.3.3 (#565)

This provides a temporary fix for the broken build on arm64. The issue's related to wasm-opt builds not being availaible for install by ghjk/cargo-binstall. This PR uses cargo install directly instead when in the dockerfile.

It also:

  • bumps metatype version to 0.3.3 to ready the next release
  • bumps the deno version to 1.40.1 (which comes with some changes)

Motivation and context

Failure in CI run..

Migration notes

No changes required


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(cli) Bad conditionals in loader detection (#559)

  • BREAKING: bad conditionals in loader detection (#559)
  • Fix bug in js typegraph loader detection.
  • FIx bug where the cwd for loader was overridden in loader_cmd despite being set in get_loader_cmd.
  • Update to latest ghjk
  • Refresh setup task in whiz.yaml

Motivation and context

The old conditionals were faulty.

Migration notes

  • node and bun loaders are now run with the cwd set to the directory of the typegraph as opposed to the metatype.yml file. This should resolve settings to the nearest package.json despite location.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(cli, typegate) Explicitly import DenoRuntime.import modules from path (#564)

When using the dynamic import function, if you provide it a raw path like /foo/bar/baz and deno detects the current module's loaded from a remote host, it'll convert it to a http url. Reasonable behavior but it turned out to be the cause of #560.

This pr fixes this issue along with:

  • Puts contents of main.ts in a try/catch block for better error logging.
  • Fixes minor permission bugs with the bundled runtime.

Motivation and context


Migration notes

No changes required


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(oauth2-profiler) Fix OAuth2 profiler params (#562)

Pass the appropriate request URL and headers to the profiler resolver.

Motivation and context

It used the provider url instead of the (typegate) request URL, causing internal queries to fail.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(template/node) Update sdk version to 0.3.2 + add deno.static (#558)

Motivation and context

Sync template examples with latest 0.3.2. Added missing deno.static and func.rate(...) on node.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(vscode-extension) Fix publisher name and version (#553)

  • Change the publisher name to metatypedev to match the account name on Azure Devops.
  • Add dev-tools projects to dev/lock.yml for automatic versioning.

Motivation and context

Failure to publish the extension.

  • Non-matching version.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests (N/A)
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments (N/A)
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change (N/A)


(website) Move typegraphs in separate folder + add ts version (#552)

Motivation and context

Better organization + typescript examples.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change


(node) Node fontend missing features (#557)

Motivation and context

Easier translation from python to typescript typegraph.

Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(prisma) Add support multi-field ids and id on struct (#556)

Adds support for more advanced id fields and unique constraints:

  • Multi-field id
  • Id on struct (foreign key)
  • Multi-field unique constraints
  • Unique constraint on struct (foreign key)

Motivation and context

Support these kind of construct:

user = t.struct(
"authProvider": t.string().from_context("provider"),
"profileId": t.string().from_context(""),
# ...
config={"id": ["authProvider", "profileId"]},

project = t.struct(
"id": t.uuid(as_id=True, config=["auto"]),
"owner": g.ref("Account"),
"name": t.string(min=3, pattern="^[A-Za-z_-]$"),
config={"unique": [["owner", "name"]]}

Migration notes

No migration needed.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(typegate) Oauth2 token validation endpoint (#567)

Create an oauth2 token validation endpoint: /:tgName/auth/validate.

Motivation and context

Migration notes


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(typegate-rt) Extend typegate runtime (#561)

Extend the typegate runtime with the following queries:

  • findListQueries: find all the queries that returns a list of t.struct.

Motivation and context


Migration notes



  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(vscode-ext) Logo, README, display name, description (#554)

  • Added a better display name and description
  • Added logo and README

Flattened context (#555)

Flatten profile fields in the context.

So instead of

provider: 'github',
accessToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
refreshToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
refreshAt: 1704717676,
profile: { id: '43663718' },
exp: 1707280877,
iat: 1704688876

we would have:

provider: 'github',
accessToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
refreshToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
refreshAt: 1704717676,
'': '43663718',
exp: 1707280877,
iat: 1704688876

Motivation and context

It was impossible to get the nested id into a from_context injection. Now we can inject .from_context("").

Migration notes


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change


(ci) workflow_dispatch for release wflow (#546)

  • Manual trigger for release wflow
  • Adds missing ghjk step for vscode-extension release job

Motivation and context

Provides recovery path for when things break.

Migration notes

Doesn't affect end users.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

v0.3.2 - 2024-01-12

Bug Fixes

(ci) Release changelog generation (#542)

Describe your change

Configures the checkout action step in the workflow that generates the workflow to clone the full git history.

Motivation and context

The updates to the release workflow that introduce git cliff based changelogs (back in #487) don't appear to be in effect.

Migration notes

No end user changes required.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Fix stage iteration (#540)

Describe your change

  • Fix the iterChildStages function. It does not yield accurate values in some edge cases.
  • Update the testing framework to enable planning without executing on the GraphQLQuery object.

Motivation and context

Sibling stages can be falsely registered as children, for example with the following stages:

Migration notes

No migration needed.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments (N/A)
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change (N/A)


(lsp) Simple diagnostics (#496)

Describe your change

Adds a simple LSP implementation for diagnostics.

Motivation and context

Better DX, catch potential errors while editing the typegraph module.

Migration notes


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

(sdk/node) Move js deno to node (#539)

Describe your change

Change deno frontend to pure node

Motivation and context

Easier integration.

Migration notes


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Customizable oauth2 profiler (#538)

Describe your change

Enable custom profiler for the std (predefined) Oauth2 providers:

  • Default profiler
  • No profiler
  • Extended default profiler
  • Custom profiler

Motivation and context

We may want for example to add the Github login in the profile in addition to the id.

Migration notes

No migration needed.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Limited parallel loads (#537)

Describe your change

Limit the number of parallel loads. The default max is the number of CPU cores, but it can be set with the option --max-parallel-loads=N.

Motivation and context

When we have a high number of typegraphs, the loader processes exhaust the CPU load.

Migration notes

No migration needed.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change

Miscellaneous Tasks

(release) Bump 0.3.2 (#543)

Bump the version of all metatype libs to 0.3.2.

Motivation and context

About to tag the next version.

Migration notes

Change their manifests to point at the new version.


  • The change come with new or modified tests
  • Hard-to-understand functions have explanatory comments
  • End-user documentation is updated to reflect the change