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· One min read

We are happy to announce that we have redesigned our SDKs to support Node and facilitate the integration of future languages. Most of the typegraph features have been rewritten in Rust and shaped around a core SDK targeting WebAssembly.

This enables us to provide a consistent experience across all languages and reduce the work to maintain the existing Python SDK and bring Metatype to the Node ecosystem (with Deno compatibility).


npm install @typegraph/sdk
meta new --template node .


meta new --template deno .
import { typegraph } from "npm:@typegraph/sdk/index.js";

Give us feedback!

As always, report issues and let us know what you think on GitHub.

· 2 min read

We are introducing Metatype, a new project that allows developers to build modular and strongly typed APIs using typegraph as a programmable glue.

What is Metatype?

Metatype is an open source platform to author and deploy APIs for the cloud and components eras. It provides a declarative programming model that helps you to efficiently design APIs and delegate the non-functional requirements to the platform. Metatype currently supports Typescript/Javascript, Python and Rust.

The platform consists of multiple elements:

  • Typegraph: a multi-language SDK to manage typegraphs - virtual graphs of types - and compose them
  • Typegate: a serverless GraphQL/REST gateway to execute queries over typegraphs
  • Meta CLI: a command-line tool to securely and efficiently deploy the typegraphs on the gateway
  • Meta LSP: a language server protocol implementation to offer a great developer experience

What are virtual graphs?

Typegraphs are a declarative way to expose all APIs, storage and business logic of your stack as a single graph. They take inspiration from domain-driven design principles and in the idea that the relation between of the data is as important as data itself, even though they might be in different locations or shapes.


These elements can then be combined and composed together similarly on how you would compose web components to create an interface in modern frontend practices. This allows developers to build modular and strongly typed APIs using typegraph as a programmable glue.

Where does this belong in the tech landscape?

Before Metatype, there was a gap in the technological landscape for a solution that specifically addressed the transactional, short-lived use cases. While there were existing tools for analytical or long-running use cases, such as Trino and Temporal, there was no generic engine for handling transactional, short-lived tasks.

← individual entities
large data →
instantaneous ↑
composition engine for data entities in evolving systems
query engine for large data from multiples sources
asynchronous ↓
workflow orchestration for long-running operations
batch/streaming engine for large data processing

Give it a try!

Let us know what you think! Metatype is open source and we welcome any feedback or contributions. The community primarily lives on GitHub.

Next steps